Friday, September 25, 2015

A Little Debbie Moment

I looked across the room and saw this box of “Little Debbie” snack cakes, purchased for Cookie#2’s scout camp out. But something was different about Little Debbie; she was wearing a mustache.  “Wow, Little Debbie Company, you’re really going out on a limb with a marketing stunt like that. That’s a very interesting strategy,” I thought. I honestly didn’t think too much about it (which is weird in and of itself.)
It wasn’t until hours later that I got up close to the box and realized that this facial hair was the creative addition of one of my kids (no doubt for even a moment who it was; the same one who draws faces on all of the eggs in the carton and defaces most of my magazines). What a turkey! I won’t show the other box that made sweet, Little Debbie into more of a devil child.
So, my lesson for the day is: Enjoy the Little Debbie Moments. Pretty soon the moments will be gone and life won’t be nearly so entertaining. Gotta love those kids!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahha, that is such a great entry, we really need to enjoy the moments don't we!!!
